A4 Turin-Milan Section
4 paragraph 8 of the D. Lgs. the Action Plans ratify and update the noise containment and reduction plans drafted pursuant to the Decree of the Ministry of the Environment (DMA) of 29.11.2000.
It is well known that the Turin Milan motorway is currently being modernised, with a view to improving the road platform, the primary objective being to improve road safety.
Consequently the requirements of the DMA of 29 November 2000 have been fulfilled through ordinary procedures to approve plans for the adaptation of existing roads.
The noise reduction interventions have been planned in an integrated manner with the modernisation and adaptation works underway along the motorway section, which also required the need to guarantee compliance with the legal limits set by the end of the modernisation works.
The design therefore includes the addition of a series of noise reduction works, sized according to national limitations and indicators.
The works are nearing completion and much of the section has already been completed.
The Communication Report, summarising the fundamental steps of the design process leading to the definition of noise containment and reduction measures, the data provided by the Manager to the Competent Administrations and the approval procedures, can be consulted on the website.
The annexed layouts show the location of the interventions on the motorway laid down in the 2013-2017 Action Plan in line with the programming to date for the modernisation and adaptation works on the motorway section and those implemented in subsequent Action Plans.
They also show the interventions completed as at 18 July 2008 and those in the 2008-2012 Action Plan.
Download the action plan 2013-2017
Having, pursuant to paragraph 6 of art.
3 of the aforementioned decree, the updated Acoustic Map for the A4 Turin-Milan motorway section drafted and sent in June 2012 to the competent bodies, to facilitate the dissemination among the public, as required in art.
9 of directive 2002/49/EC, SATAP S.p.A. has made it available for consultation on its website.
Public notice
Pursuant to art. 4 paragraph 8 of Legislative Decree no. 194/2005 "Implementation of Directive 2002/49/EC concerning the determination and management of environmental noise".
In compliance with D.Lgs.
194/2005 Satap made available its "Action Plans" for consultation, concerning the A4 Turin-Milan section by notification to the competent Administrations, notices published in the newspapers and publication on the satapweb.it website.
Anyone interested can consult all the material at the Company's Technical Division (please make an appointment by phone, no.
It should also be remembered that anyone can, within 45 consecutive calendar days, submit comments and written reports by:
Registered letter with advice of receipt to "SATAP. S.p.A. Via Bonzanigo n. 22 – 10144 Turin";
Indicating the following words on the envelope "Osservazioni ai sensi del D.lgs. 194/2005 piano d'azione".