
The transit certificate

The transit certificate is issued both at manned and automated toll stations.
In both cases, it represents the receipt of payment but is not valid for tax purposes.
Invoices and cancellations, for receipts issued by the stations along the A4 section of this Concession holder, may be requested from the following address:

Ufficio Fatture Tronco A21 To-Pc
Barriera di Rondissone 10030
Tel. +3901191415210
Tel. +3901191415205

If this is the first time you request the issue of an invoice or cancellation of a non-payment, simply complete the form with the following information:
– name of company including the residency or domicile of the user;
– tax ID or VAT Reg. No.;
– date of transit, entry station, exit station, vehicle class, toll;
– at the end, indicate the total amount of the tolls.

When sending the first invoice, the competent office will provide the special form to use for subsequent requests.
In any case, the forms for requesting invoices or cancellations of non-payments can be collected from any SATAP S.p.A. Punto Blu or downloaded from this page.
Requests for invoice or cancellation must be sent together with the original transit certificates (D.M.
Finance 20/07/79) and signed to confirm the undertaking of liability.
It is extremely important that the transit certificates be divided into relative motorway sections.


Voluntary association and similar bodies

In the case of non-payments for vehicles belonging to voluntary associations or similar non-profit bodies, consult the specific information note..

Request for cancellation of non-payment reports